The values stated in each system are not necessarily exact equivalents therefore, to ensure conformance with the standard, each system shall be used independently of the other, and values from the two systems shall not be combined. This value is then further corrected to give the metric output. The Adjunct for Volume Correction Factors VCF for temperature and pressure volume correction factors for generalized crude oils, refined products, and lubricating oils provides the algorithm and implementation procedure for the correction of temperature and pressure effects on density and volume of liquid hydrocarbons. See The algorithms, instructions, procedures, and examples are located in the associated supplementary adjuncts. These tables should be considered for use when. This group includes substances with the commercial identification of: No.
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This group includes substances with the commercial identification of: premium gasoline, unleaded gasoline, motor spirit, clear gasoline, low-lead gas, motor gasoline, catalyst gas, alkylate, catalytic cracked gasoline, naphtha, reformulated gasoline, and aviation gasoline. In such cases, the product should be allocated to the class appropriate to its density, not its descriptor. The commercial specification ranges of some products may place their densities partly within an adjacent class for example, a low-density diesel may lie in the jet fuel class. Note the product descriptors are generalizations. Crude oils that have been stabilized for transportation or storage purposes and whose API gravities lie within that range are considered to be part of the Crude Oil group. The list is illustrative and is not meant to be all-inclusive. The liquid classifications listed here are typical terms used in the industry, but local nomenclature may vary.

However, detailed procedures to correct a glass hydrometer reading are beyond the scope of the Adjunct for VCF. Note that procedure paragraphs The CTL Tables had generalized equations to correct glass hydrometer readings, and these corrections were part of the printed odd-numbered tables.

The other values showing converted units have been rounded to the significant digits shown as rounded values, they may numerically fall just outside of the actual limits established by the defining values. Also shown in Table 1 are the limits converted to their equivalent units and, in the case of the densities, other base temperatures. More D Table 1 shows the defining limits and their associated units in bold italics. Historical Version s - view previous versions of standard.